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Sometimes, when you upgrade from Exchange Server 5.0 to Exchange Server 5.5, you may receive the following error message:

-1206, JET_errDatabaseCorrupted

After getting the aforementioned error message when you retry to upgrade from Exchange Server 5.0 to Exchange Server 5.5, following error message flashes on your computer screen:

An unexpected error has occurred. ID No. c106fdda


The preceding error messages occur due to the Exchange database damage.


In order to resolve the preceding error messages, you first need to confirm that the priv.edb and pub.edb files are in consistent state. Following steps help you confirm the state of priv.edb and pub.edb files:

  1. Copy the eseutil.exe and ese.dll files from the Exchange Server 5.5 CD and paste in the \exchsrvr\mdbdata folder.
  2. Open the command prompt window and navigate to the \exchsrvr\mdbdata.
  3. Now, execute the following command to check the state of priv.edb file:

    eseutil.exe /mh priv.edb | find State

    After the execution of preceding command is completed, execute the following command to confirm the state of pub.edb file:

    eseutil.exe /mh pub.edb | find State

  4. Note the location of .edb and .log files for the Information Store service and Directory service.
  5. Rename the Dsadata and Mdbdata on each drive to Dsadata1 and Mdbdata1 respectively.
  6. Create new Dsadata and Mdbdata folders on each drive.
  7. Uninstall Exchange Server.
  8. Install Exchange Server 5.0 with a new site but with the same organization.
  9. After completing the installation of Exchange Server 5.0, insert CD of Exchange Server 5.5 into CD ROM.
  10. Double-click the set up file of Exchange Server 5.5 and select Upgrade.
  11. After the setup process ends, stop the Exchange Server services.
  12. Execute the performance optimizer to move the .edb and .log files to their previous locations.
  13. Now, you need to rename the Dsadata and Mdbdata folders on each drive. Rename Dsadata as Dsadata2 and Mdbdata as Mdbdata2.
  14. After renaming the Dsadata and Mdbdata folders, create new Dsadata and Mdbdata folders on each drive.
  15. Now, copy the dir.edb file from Dsadata1 and paste into Dsadata.
  16. Copy priv.edb and pub.edb files from Mdbdata1 and paste them into Mdbdata.
  17. Now, start the System Attendant and the Directory Service.
  18. Now, switch to the command prompt window and navigate to \exchsrvr\bin folder.
  19. Execute the isinteg patch command.
  20. After executing the isinteg patch command, start Exchange Server services.
  21. Now, start the Exchange Server Administrator program.

After executing the preceding steps, you will be able to resolve the -1206, JET_errDatabaseCorrupted error message. However, while working with Exchange Server, you may face many other JET errors that can lead in to data loss. To resolve those JET error messages, you can take help of Kernel for Exchange Server, an Exchange recovery and repair software. The software also supports EDB to PST conversion and compatible with MS Exchange Server versions 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5 and 5.0.

Kernel for Exchange Server