Kernel Data Recovery Blog

How to Prevent Misuse of your Business Data?

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Summary: Securing vital business data is paramount, but it’s susceptible to various external and internal threats. These include ransomware, spyware, hacking, phishing, unnecessary access rights, lack of encryption, replying to unverified emails, and lack of monitoring. To prevent data misuse, control access to sensitive data, monitor data flow, implement business continuity measures, and use firewalls. Additionally, employee monitoring software can help track and manage employee activities to enhance data security.

Protecting critical business information is paramount for organizations. This data is often stored across various devices and databases, with employees accessing, modifying, and sharing it internally and with external parties. However, numerous threats pose risks to the security and integrity of this data.

Consequences of Misuse of Data

Exposing official data, particularly client information, to the outside world can have severe consequences for your business. It can damage your reputation and impact your revenue. Therefore, safeguarding data in the right location and with proper security measures should be a top priority, as threats to data security can originate both internally and externally.

External Threats to Data Security

Various external entities may attempt to acquire your sensitive data through questionable means. These threats include:

  1. Ransomware – Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts a computer’s files and demands a ransom for their release. In recent times, these attacks have surged, affecting not only individuals but also targeting banks and financial institutions.
  2. Spyware – Spyware is a malicious software designed to covertly collect information from your computer and transmit it to external sources without your consent. Spyware can take various forms, including Trojans, adware, monitoring cookies, and software downloaded from unverified sources.
  3. Hacking – Hacking has become one of the most notorious methods for gaining unauthorized access to critical data. Initially, hackers seek weaknesses in your internet security and stealthily infiltrate your computer or network. Once inside, they can access sensitive data and share it with others.
  4. Phishing – Phishing is a highly dangerous activity involving impersonation of legitimate individuals or websites to steal business information. It uses fraudulent emails, chats, messages, and more to illicitly obtain data. Distinguishing between a phishing website and a genuine one is often challenging.
Internal Threats to Data

There are multiple threats which are from within the organization. Here are some probable scenarios where the data may be leaked to external world –

  1. Unnecessary access rights – The access rights to data are given to employees working at different levels in the organization. But if an employee accesses such data which was not needed for him to perform his task, then it is an unwanted situation. This can affect the security of the data.
  2. Lack of encryption – Encryption is a quite important in organizations as it keeps the crucial messages and information safe from unauthorized accesses, modifications, or deletions during their transfer. If the information is not encrypted correctly, then it will be quite easy for a person to access its content.
  3. Replying to unverified emails – Many external parties try to gain entry into the organization’s network using stealthy methods. They send an email which looks completely genuine. But when opened, it will put spyware or malware on the system. An employee should not open such e-mails from unverified sources.
  4. Lack of monitoring – Effective data monitoring is crucial for business data security. While many organizations install anti-malware and firewalls, they often overlook the importance of closely monitoring employee systems.
How to Prevent Misuse of Data?

So far, you’ve learned about various external and internal threats that can jeopardize your critical data. Now, let’s explore some techniques that you can implement at different levels to protect your data from misuse.

  1. Control access to sensitive data – User permissions are assigned to each employee with precise controls. While essential permissions enable them to access necessary data, they should not have access to unnecessary information. Organizations should periodically review user permissions, monitoring how employees access, modify, or share data.
  2. Monitor data flow – Regularly monitor how your employees handle data to ensure their intentions are correct. Log files typically store information about data changes, but comprehending and analyzing them can be challenging.
  3. Business continuity measures – Small and medium-sized organizations often rely on a central data repository with limited security measures. To enhance data security, these organizations should consider diversifying data storage across multiple repositories and implementing effective backup solutions. This approach ensures better data accessibility and business continuity, particularly in the event of disasters.
  4. Use firewalls – Security firewalls play a crucial role in fortifying network security by intercepting and mitigating external threats. They actively monitor both incoming and outgoing network traffic, effectively defending against a wide range of potential attacks originating from untrusted sources.


Although antivirus software and firewalls are effective in reducing external threats, safeguarding against internal threats lacks a foolproof solution. Employees may, whether intentionally or inadvertently, engage in risky behavior such as accessing malicious websites, exchanging emails with unverified sources, or disregarding security measures.

So, to monitor your employee’s desktop activities, you should use Kernel Employee Desktop Live Viewer software which records the activities of employee desktops and presents you a live preview. You can choose to record all the activities and watch the records later. Employee Monitoring software gives you complete control for you as you can monitor what your employees are doing with their assigned resources.