Kernel Data Recovery Blog

Recover MDF Files After a Ransomware Attack

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Summary : The article delves into ransomware attacks, detailing their technicalities and types, spotlighting the 2017 WannaCry incident. It offers recovery solutions like Task Manager and System Restore and recommends Kernel for SQL Database Recovery to restore MDF files securely, ensuring accurate recovery and countering ransomware-induced data loss effectively.


Ransomware stands out as a distinct form of malware; rather than compromising data integrity, it assaults the entire security framework of a computer, rendering it inaccessible. The infamous Wannacry cyber-attack of 2017 targeted millions of computers across diverse businesses. This particular malware demands payment in cryptocurrency, ensuring anonymity for both the sender and receiver. Hackers pinpoint a network’s vulnerability and strategically implant the ransomware, exploiting the network’s weak points.

Ransomware is a malicious software that encrypts essential computer data, demanding a ransom for its release upon attempted access. One notorious instance is WannaCry, a ransomware that wreaked havoc on millions of computers globally in 2017.

Technical aspects of ransomware

Windows machines utilize the Server Message Block Protocol for network communication. Hackers exploit this protocol’s vulnerabilities, such as DoublePulsar and EternalBlue, to install ransomware over the network and spread it to other devices.

Types of ransomware

The ransomware is broadly categorized into several types:

Instant Solution

Get a quick solution Kernel for SQL Database Recovery to recover MDF files after a ransomware attack. This software also provides the preview facility for recovered MDF files before saving.

Recovery from Ransomware

If you face ransomware attacks, we have some suggestions that might help you.

Solution 1: Use Task Manager

This manual method is suggested to remove the Wallet ransomware attack. Follow the steps to recover the files:

  1. Open Task Manager (shortcut keys: CTRL+Shift+ESC)
  2. Look for randomly generated files under Processes
  3. Right-click on file and click End Process.
    Note: Proceed to the next step for detecting the hidden files.

    • To display hidden files and folders in Windows 10, click in the Search on the taskbar, type Folder. Select Show Hidden Files and Folders and drives (Under Advanced Settings); click OK.
    • To display hidden files and folders in Windows type Folder Options in the Search box; open the Folder Options, go to Advanced Settings; select Show hidden files, folders, drives and then click OK.
    • To display hidden files and folders in Windows 7, go to Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization; click Folder Options, select the view tab; click Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden files, folders and drives and click Master Boot Records.
Solution 2: Recovery of Encrypted files

Restoring the system to a previous state using System Restore is the most effective solution for handling encryption-type ransomware. Users can access System Restore through the Control Panel to revert their system to a previous state.

Solution 3: A specialized solution to recover MDF files

Ransomware attacks can also impact SQL Server’s MDF files. Kernel for SQL Database Recovery Software stands out as the best solution for recovering corrupt or inaccessible MDF database files. It is a sophisticated utility specifically crafted to restore your lost database objects with utmost precision and without compromising data integrity.

To recover or repair your corrupt and inaccessible MDF files, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Install and Launch the software and select the .mdf database file. Then choose the SQL database version of the MDF file. Click the Recover button.

  2. The recovered objects will be displayed as shown below. After cross checking your objects and files, select the data you want to save and click the Save button.
  3. Now, select the required saving mode and click OK.
  4. After the completion of the saving process, click OK.

Final Words:

Following a ransomware attack, victims are often extorted to pay a significant sum to regain access to their encrypted files. Nevertheless, there are methods to recover lost MDF files, either through Windows recovery tools or specialized SQL recovery software. If you wish to avoid the dire situation where ransomware cripples your computer, this software can assist in MDF file recovery, retrieving even the completely lost data from database tables. Subsequently, you can securely store the recovered content on a new computer.