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Summary: Corruption issues are quite common in all kinds of software and Microsoft Access is no exception. The Access database can be corrupted. But why? Our blog outlines the main reasons behind this kind of corruption and presents the solutions to troubleshoot such corruption issues. For severe database corruption problems, use Kernel for Access Database Repair now.

Microsoft Access is a valuable utility that empowers users to efficiently manage databases, ensuring the seamless handling of critical information. However, Access database corruption can be a significant setback, potentially leading to various issues. System errors of a severe nature, such as invalid page faults, application exception errors, or STOP errors, can force Windows-based applications, including Microsoft Access, to become unresponsive.
“The Microsoft Jet database engine has halted this process because it detected concurrent attempts by you and another user to modify the same data simultaneously.”

“Cannot open database ‘filename.mdb’”

“Invalid field data type error 3259”

“Unexpected error 35012”

“Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on ‘xxxx’ (Error 3049)”

“Error 3022- The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key or relationship.”

“Error 2239- The database ‘filename.mdb’ needs to be repaired or isn’t a database file.”

These fatal system errors could be attributed to the following reasons:

An unexpected event has occurred within your system, potentially involving improper memory addressing. This situation may result in Windows applications attempting to access memory locations that have not been properly allocated. Such actions can lead to data overwriting, potentially causing damage to the original content.

Invalid restrictions have been established between the applications and the Windows environment. These invalid parameters can generate erroneous instructions, leading to page faults. Typically, such issues stem from internal code problems within the application itself.

For troubleshooting, you need to analyze the causes of the errors in MS Access.
  • An incorrigible bug in Microsoft Access.
  • A corrupted or damaged Access database.
  • Fragmentation in the database.
  • Inappropriate registry settings.
  • Damage or corruption in file systems.
  • Faulty network devices and connections.
  • Mismatched DLL (Dynamical link Library) files.
  • Damaged file header.
  • LDB file (Lock file) is used for database read/writes synchronization.
  • Conflictions with installed third-party drivers.
  • Virus Attack.

When these errors surface in your Access database, data corruption becomes an imminent risk if swift action is not taken. To regain access to your database, it is crucial to address these issues as promptly as possible.

Access database corruption error messages
  • MS Access Error 3112: MS Access user is unable to read the records
  • MS Access Error 3800: MS Access user can’t find the index in the table
  • MS Access Error 2239: The database is required to be repaired, or it is not a database file
  • MS Access Error 3011: Microsoft Jet Database engine is unable to find the object
  • MS Access Error 3049: Cannot recognize Database Format

These are the few examples of errors one may face while trying to access or fetch any data from the corrupted database.

Possible manual solutions for these Access database corruption issues are:

Follow the simple solutions given below to resolve corruption issues with Access databases.

Solution 1: Clearing the Name AutoCorrect options

When you clear the Name AutoCorrect options, it will help you fix corruption issues in your database files. For this, here are the steps to follow.

  1. Tap on the File menu and click on on Options
  2. Tap on the Current Database tab.
  3. Uncheck all the boxes within the Name AutoCorrect option namely:
    • Track name AutoCorrect into
    • Perform name AutoCorrect
    • Log name AutoCorrect changes
      • Tap on OK to finish.Tap on OK to finish
Solution 2: Compact & Repair option

For minor corruption issues, Access 2010 provides the utility ‘Compact & Repair Database’. Here are the steps below to make use of this feature.

  • Open MS Access.
  • Go to the File menu and tap on Open Other Files.
  • Browse for your corrupted database file and click on Open.
  • Tap on the Database Tools tab.Tap on the Database Tools tab
  • Click on Compact and Repair Database.Repair Database
Solution 3: Using Regedit tool

You can try the Regedit tool to fix these types of corruption issues. For this,

  • Go to the Start menu and type up regedit to search.
  • Run the registry editor and select the Microsoft access key.
  • After selecting the key, click on the File tab and from the menu, select the Export option.
  • After following all these steps, save the file at the destination folder by providing a name to the file.
Solution 4: Export to another Access database

You can go for the manual method too. For this, you need to open the MS Access application and click on the External Data tab. From the menu of the Export group, select more options and click on Access Database. After completing previous steps successfully, save the file at the desired location and click on Ok. The final step is assigning the new name to the element and clicking on Ok.

Note: If the problem is due to the inveterate bug in access, inappropriate registry entries, or mismatched DLL files, then you must reinstall Microsoft Access.

Automated solution

Recovering all your database objects is a straightforward process with the assistance of Kernel for Access Database Repair software. To get started, simply install and launch the software, and then proceed with the following steps.

  1. Start with selecting the corrupted access file and clicking on Open.
    select corrupted access file
  2. Now, select a mode and click on Repair.
    select a mode to repair
  3. A process of repair will take place. View the file content and finally save the file by clicking on Save.
    save the repaired data


If you’ve identified that the issue stems from a damaged or corrupted Access database, opting for an automated method of recovery is highly recommended. The manual approach can be time-consuming and complex, often without a guarantee of a 100% solution. By utilizing Kernel for Access Database Repair software, you can efficiently recover data from a damaged Access database.

Our Access database recovery software performs a comprehensive scan of the entire MDB Access file, identifying and rectifying errors, ensuring a successful recovery process.

Kernel for Access Database Repair